Power Your Energy Future by Solar With One of the Leading Renewable Energy Consultants in India

Are you looking at the future of your energy consumption? Do you think it is time to change to renewable sources like solar and wind for your business? If you have the thought process but the journey seems challenging, then you are at the right place. We are among the top renewable energy consultants in India. We understand the energy landscape comprehensively and help our clients come up with customized solutions for their power needs.

Market dynamics and regulatory support have been the backbone for the huge number of investments in solar energy in India. More so, at the COP26 summit, India committed to meeting 50% of its energy need via renewable sources of energy by 2030. Presently, India’s install base for solar power has grown leaps and stands at a capacity of 55.34 GW. Commercial and Industrial users need protection against the power grid tariffs, obtain power at an economic rate, and meet their own sustainability goals. There is one answer that emerges when you combine these requirements – renewable sources of energy – mainly solar energy. This has led to C&I consumers entering into agreements (PRAs) with renewable energy generation companies for a fixed price over a certain duration of time.

Multiple tailwinds are in favor of green energy, especially solar energy in India. With investments flowing in, favorable government policies, lower tariff rates, and an opportunity to gain investor confidence, this seems to be the right time to take a leap into the arena of renewables for your power needs. At Altilium, we offer bespoke sustainability advisory services.

Take a look at the tariffs – power grid tariffs are at INR 10 per unit, while you can generate the same power at 6.5 INR per unit with solar rooftop panels. Clear cost benefit is there, and no doubt C&I consumers will prefer solar power over coal or even more expensive diesel. Look into the investment trends for banks and private investors. They are preferring sustainable and ‘environment friendly’ companies for their money. Switching over to solar power is a great way for corporates and businesses to win investor confidence and attract new customers for the business. Leading Indian business houses – RIL, TCS, JSW Energy, ITC, Wipro, Infosys, and even the Indian Railways have set their own net-zero emission targets.

The industry is also looking at hybrid projects – a combination of wind or biomass energy alongside solar power. However, the grid charges coming in and the volume of power requirement on behalf of large industries have limited the use of wind or biomass and have focused all the efforts on solar energy. The Renewable Energy Regulations of 2022 have added significant impetus to renewables. Our experts are known for their insights into sustainability consulting.

Considering all economic and technology trends, it seems that solar is the future for C&I consumers and the sun is indeed shining bright on solar – what are you waiting for – make the hay while the sun shines! If you are looking to power your future with solar then join hands with Altilium, one of the leading renewable energy consultants in India today.

To know more, connect with us at hello@altilium.co.in

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