Overcome the Challenge of Going Green With Our Sustainability Advisory Services

Focus on sustainability or sustainability initiatives are no longer looked upon as siloed efforts, rather they have become the backbone for growth strategies and business opportunities. The pandemic disrupted traditional business models, thereby challenging the business resilience of every organization. One thing that played a point in steering through these unprecedented times was investments made by organizations in sustainability advisory services.

Now, more than ever, every stakeholder in the industry (consumers, investors, and regulators) are voicing equivocal interest in sustainability initiatives. They demand greater responsibility from organizations forcing industries to broaden their sustainability strategies. Our sustainability advisory services help you build your corporate strategy around sustainability.

As one of the top sustainability consulting firms in India, our approach for organizations is to become truly purpose driven. We suggest organizations to embed sustainability in all business decisions and across the entire ecosystem (people, planet, and profit) and make it a part of every business strategy.

A majority of the organizations have realized the importance of sustainability, but they struggle to come up with a robust strategy. And that’s exactly where our sustainability advisory services come into play. Our structured approach helps organizations solve the challenges of multi-stakeholder strategy development. For example, switching to solar and wind energy may look expensive upfront and can be opposed due to the cost factor involved but commitment to such alternate energy sources can help save both, your money and the planet in the long run.

Determine business context

Why do you want to implement a sustainability initiative? The first and foremost thing we do under our sustainability advisory services is to define the business objectives, prioritize use cases based on corporate goals, and then align resources for successful implementation. This is the stage where you also define the performance metrics and define the role of each stakeholder in the project.

Identify business opportunities and risks

Sustainability initiatives are not charity efforts. What’s good for the planet is also good for the bottom line. Our sustainability advisory services help you in generating profits with purpose. In the second stage, we help organizations to identify business opportunities and the impending risks associated with such initiatives. This helps them to clearly define outcomes for all stakeholders.

Evaluate resource capabilities

If you do not have the resource to implement what you have planned for, then they would never see the light of reality. Our sustainability advisory services help organizations assess their resource capabilities in terms of financial capabilities, skills and competencies, and infrastructure.

Define metrics to evaluate the performance

Planning and defining performance metrics based on two important factors – stakeholder’s outcomes and industry best practices form the core of our sustainability advisory services. Once defined these should be circulated across the organization and every employee should be aligned to these metrics.

Manage implementation with our sustainability advisory services

This is like any project management activity, where you need to plan, track, and report outcomes. Finally, once the initiative is implemented, communicate the outcome and value generated to all stakeholders.

Sustainability initiatives are not a one-time activity but a continuous journey where these investments would be looked upon as a source of competitive advantage. Its about time that we learn to be kind to our planet!

With an overall team experience of 45 years in the Indian power sector, our array of services includes bespoke Electricity Regulatory Advisory, Energy Portfolio Management, Renewable Energy offtake & trade, open access services, Renewable Energy Projects management, to name a few. Being one of the leading CERC (Central Electricity Regulatory Commission) approved power trading companies in India, Altilium is managing a trade volume of over 15 MUs (million units) of Renewable Energy every month for its clients PAN India, as on date.

Let’s explore together! Do connect with us at hello@altilium.co.in

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