Move Toward A Sustainable Future With Our Sustainability Advisory Services

At the end of every proposal or solution, you must have heard this question – is the solution/product sustainable? In the context of the modern world with diminishing natural resources and constant climate change, your answer should always be affirmative. But how to become sustainable? Reach out to us for your sustainability services needs.

Our sustainability advisory services will help you build a sustainable future for your organization while staying deeply committed to the society and environment at large. Our solutions are pragmatic – what it means is that we not only take care of the ‘people’ and ‘planet’ aspect but also the ‘profit’ aspect in all our solutions.

We help you understand what’s going around and then walk together and build together the sustainable future of tomorrow. No doubt, we are the preferred partners for many organizations on their sustainability journey, as we are one of the top sustainability consulting firms in India.

Geopolitical tensions are fuelling an energy crisis and might jeopardize efforts toward decarbonization

The Ukraine war comes at a time when the world was just recovering from the pandemic, creating new tensions, and triggering a new wave of energy crisis. The direct results are an increase in oil prices and inflation, making it difficult for government bodies and private organizations to stay committed to their decarbonization goals. We have already reached pre-pandemic levels of energy demand and emissions, increasing by 5% in 2021 as compared to 2020.

Electricity demand will spike and renewable energy is the only solution

The demand for electricity will triple itself in 2050 fuelled by technological breakthroughs and scientific advancements. This demand is projected to be met using renewable forms of energy like solar, wind, and hydrogen energy. It is expected that close to 85% of the energy mix would be contributed by renewable sources of energy by 2050.

Oil and gas demand will peak soon

The demand for oil and gas will peak themselves one after another driven by advancements in the technology landscape. It is estimated that between 2024 and 2027 the demand for oil is going to reach its maximum, while the demand for gas will peak itself somewhere around 2035. This is not surprising, even coal had a demand peak back in 2013, post which we saw a downward trend and the same can be expected for oil and gas.

The 1.5-degree target might be missed

Every year due to climate change, global temperatures are rising and with the current demand and emission measures, it seems like we will miss the 1.5 mark to 1.7°C when it comes to global warming. To reach the 1.5 path, governments and organizations should accelerate their transformations and adopt renewable sources of fuel, moving toward their net-zero commitment at a faster pace.

Investments in the energy sector will be skewed toward renewables

It goes without saying that investments will be seen more toward greener and cleaner forms of energy. Annual investments in the production of energy will reach close to 1.6trillion USD and the majority would be used to develop and distribute power generated from renewable forms of energy.

Business models need to adapt themselves to this world that demands sustainable practices. Join us today and let us build your future with our sustainability advisory services.

Altilium is a leading power trading company in India. With an overall team experience of 45 years in the Indian power sector, our array of services includes bespoke Electricity Regulatory advisory, energy portfolio management, Renewable Energy offtake & trade, open access services, and Renewable Energy Projects management, to name a few. Being one of the leading CERC (Central Electricity Regulatory Commission) approved power trading companies in India, we are managing a trading volume of 5 Mus (million units) every quarter for our clients PAN India through spot market transactions and other open access modes (short-term/medium-term power supply). Let’s explore the future of renewable energy together! Do connect with us at

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